Wednesday, June 22, 2011

34 Weeks... and growing more massive by the minute

Not much to report this week except that I think I've officially gotten my first stretch mark or two. At first I thought maybe it was just another one of the veins on my belly but now I think it's a stretch mark on the bottom of my belly. I'm kinda bummed about it. I managed to get through my other two pregnancies without any stretch marks, but I kinda of knew it would be inevitable this time. I was still hoping that I could make it without getting any though... I'm still having a lot of little contractions on the non-stress tests but I think that is just normal for me. I finally saw a contraction show up that I could actually feel yesterday and those are HUGE on the monitor compared to all those little ones. I get those big contractions every evening now about 8-10 minutes apart for a few hours. My cervix is still closed though so that is great news! Less than 4 weeks left now! I can't wait to meet these two!!!

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