Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Sorry about my laziness in posting. My heart surgery went well and I'm starting to feel much better. The surgeon was able to repair my valve. I also had some ruptured chords that had to be repaired, which they weren't expecting, but that went fine. He did a MAZE procedure as well which should prevent me from going into A-Fib again in the future. It's so nice (and also weird) to not feel my heart beating so crazy and out of rhythm anymore.

I can't lift the kids or anything else that weighs more than 10 lbs for 6 weeks and no pulling or pushing. Dan has been the best husband ever, taking care of me and the kids and keeping the house in order. I am so grateful to all the people who have brought us dinners, it has made life so much easier the past couple weeks!

Here are some pictures of the kids right after they got home from the library, reading their books.

I love this one, even Ruby is enjoying the train book!

And this little cutie patootie turned 10 months old while I was in the hospital. What? 10 months!?! I know, I can barely wrap my head around it. I seriously feel like we just had her.
She has gotten very fast at crawling, and her goal is to get out of any room we are trying to keep her in. She just wants to go, go, go. She still only has 2 teeth at the moment but I think the top ones could be coming in anytime. She walks along the couch now or anything she can walk along. She has not tried to let go yet but that's coming, and too soon I'm sure. She loves to empty things out and put them all back again. She entertains herself for quite a while emptying all the blocks out and then putting them all back again. She likes to test the boundaries. She'll go find something she is not supposed to play with and then start shaking her head because she knows that I will say "no, no".
A couple weeks ago she started giving kisses. Instead of the mmmm-maw sound she says mmmm-baaa when she kisses. It's so cute, it melts my heart. I'm having a really hard time not being able to pick her up but she can crawl on my lap and I can hold her that way. She's getting to be such a big girl! In a month and a half, my baby will be one! But she will always, always be my baby!