Last Wednesday I had my first non-stress test. They monitor the babies to be sure that they are moving enough and that when they move their heart rates accelerate. They also monitor for contractions. The babies did great on their part of the test. I apparently was having a lot of contractions. I didn't even feel most of them. I do have contractions many times a day that I do feel and that are uncomfortable but during the test I only felt maybe one or two. They seemed concerned so they sent me across the street to the hospital over to labor and delivery to be monitored.
They said I was for sure having a lot of contractions. They did some sort of test called a fetal fibronectin test that tells them if I will go into labor in the next 2 weeks and that came back negative. They checked my cervix and said that it had thinned out and shortened quite a bit but has not really dilated as a result of the contractions. It is only about a fingertip dilated. They sent me home and told me to get as much rest as possible and to limit my activities. Easier said than done with a five year old and a three year old.
The non-stress test that Friday went much better. The contractions slowed down quite a bit. Today I had another test and I was having a lot of little contractions, which again, I couldn't feel. The tech said to make sure to drink more fluids since dehydration can cause an irritable uterus. I'm taking it one day at a time right now. Everyday they stay in there at this point, the better. I'm pretty confident that I will make it a few more weeks though.

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