Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our dishwasher broke last night. We aren't sure if we are going to have someone come out and try to fix it or if we should just buy a new one. I don't want to spend $50.00 just to have someone tell us we need to replace it. Anyways, I'm already sick of doing dishes.

Audrey did not fall asleep until 3:00 for her nap today. I'm debating whether or not I should just stop putting her down for a nap. If she takes a nap, then she takes forever to fall asleep at night. Sometimes she's still talking in her room until 9:30 or 10:00 at night. If she doesn't take a nap she seems to still be in a good mood until bedtime and then she falls right to sleep, but then I don't get a break at all during the day. We could get out and do more in the afternoon though if we didn't have to be home for the nap...until the babies are here and then it starts all over again. I'll probably give it a few more months though since she does still nap pretty well most days.

Here are some pictures:

This was from 13 weeks

These are from yesterday at 17 weeks.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I need to start making time to blog again. Mostly for me to document things that I'm sure I will forget unless I write them down. We are expecting twins this summer. I'm officially due August 1, but they will probably arrive in July. The initial shock has worn off now but it's still hard to believe I'm carrying two babies. We've had three ultrasounds so far and every time I see them it makes it a little more real. It's just overwhelming to think of trying to take care of two newborns at once but we will make it work. I'm just praying I don't deliver before around 38 weeks. I really don't want them to have to spend time in the NICU.

I'm starting to feel much better lately. My energy seems to be back a little more and I'm not feeling nearly as sick. In the beginning it was really all day sickness, and even in the middle of the night I would wake up gagging. Now I just feel sick for a little while after I eat breakfast. I hope that will be gone soon too. With Owen and Audrey I felt better around 17 weeks, which is what I will be on Monday. So far this pregnancy hasn't been too much different than my pregnancies with Owen and Audrey. I'm trying to enjoy every moment of this since this will be my last pregnancy. Four kids will be enough for us!

I had my 16 week appointment on Tuesday. I'm measuring a couple weeks bigger than I would be with a singleton. The heart rates were both in the 160s. Baby B has been more active than Baby A on the ultrasounds, almost constantly moving. Baby A seems to be more mellow. We will find out the genders in three weeks. That is when I will start going to the Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist at least once a month for ultrasounds to check on the growth of the babies.

The kids are both very excited about the twins. They both talk to the babies and kiss my belly often. I've only taken one belly picture so far. I need to take a new one soon, maybe Monday and then I will post them.