Friday, October 10, 2008

About three weeks ago Audrey started sitting up on her own. I could tell how proud of herself she was when she started doing it all on her own. Now she can sit for long periods of time and entertain herself. The nice thing about this stage is that she is not crawling away yet, so she stays right where I put her. I know this probably won't be a very long stage and she'll be crawling soon, so I better enjoy it while it lasts.

Audrey got her first tooth yesterday. That explains why she has been waking up ALOT at night for about a week or so. We are all very sleep deprived over here, and if you know me, you know I LOVE my sleep so I'm just trying to make it through the day most days. I'm really dragging. I'm probably just extra tired from my heart problem also. I'm hoping I'll have more energy after I have the surgery, but that isn't for another 3 months. I feel like my body is falling apart. I'm having heart surgery in January. I need to get my wisdom teeth out and possibly have my knee fixed again. I have another wisdom tooth coming in and it's shifting my other teeth on the bottom. I should probably wait until I'm not nursing before I get them out though, so I haven't called the dentist about it yet. I go for a check-up in December and I'll talk to him about it then, unless it gets really bad.

I need to have my knee checked out again. I think I have a large amount of scar tissue and it clicks over my knee cap when I walk. Not a good sensation! I'm just afraid I'm going to have to have surgery on that too to remove the scar tissue. Bleh!


Tobias Arthur said...

Audrey is SUPER cute. I'm sorry you feel like you're falling apart. Life is really different when you start approaching (and then pass!) 30. I hope you feel better soon. Everything looks worse when you're sleep deprived...I'm thinking about you and love you all very much.

Faith said...

I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of these medical issues. What a pain. I feel like life is just too hard sometimes. I'm so glad this life is not all there is and there is more to look forward to. Stay strong. You have such a beautiful family.

Love ya,


Busy Baroness said...

Ask about your wisdom teeth now. I had to have mine extracted, but really didn't think it was a big deal. Could be one less pain for you to deal with. Hang in there--call me if you need me!!

Yea, Audrey! Nolan is still lagging behind, but he'll catch up sooner or later!