We had another growth scan last week at 27 weeks. They also did an echocardiogram on both of the babies. Thankfully both of their hearts look normal. Baby girl was estimated to weigh 2 lbs 3 oz and baby boy 2 lbs 2 oz. They are both 45 percentile which my doctor said is really good. You don't want them both to be around 90th percentile or you would be carrying around 2 10lb babies at the end, and anything less then 10th percentile they start to worry about the babies. So right in the middle is perfect.
My cervix is still looking good so they are not checking that every two weeks anymore. They are actually letting me go 4 weeks in between appointments this time. I go back at 31 weeks for another growth scan and then at 32 weeks I start going for Non-stress tests. I saw my OB this week and got my c-section scheduled for 38 weeks, which is July 18 (assuming I make it that long). Here are some pictures from the ultrasound.

Confirmed the genders again.

Baby boy in 4D. We didn't get any good 4D pictures of baby girl. She had her face smushed against the uterine wall, had the membrane over her face, her arm in front of her face and her brother's butt and legs were in her face. No good pictures with all of that going on! :)

Baby boy again

Baby girl
Audrey also had her 3 year old check up recently. She grew 4 inches in the past year! She is now 39 1/2 inches (92nd percentile) and weighs 32 lbs 2 oz (70th percentile).
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