Last week we bought a minivan. Not real exciting to buy a minivan, but there is no way we could go without one. We do really like it. It is a Ford Freestar. I'll have to take a picture of it one of these days and post it. It feels good to have that checked off our list of things to do before the babies get here.
Dan and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary last week. Dan's parents took the kids over night on Saturday night. We were going to go to Leo's downtown for dinner, but I've had a bad cold and still could not smell or taste very well. I didn't want to spend that much on dinner if I couldn't fully taste it. We went to El Burrito instead. Then we went to see Water For Elephants. Sunday morning we slept in (if you call 8:00am sleeping in, it is for us) got some Panara bagels and just relaxed, then did some shopping later in the day. It was a nice relaxing 24 hour with no kids!
Monday was my last day of work. It was hard to leave in some ways. I'm really going to miss all the friends I've made there. It's going to be really weird not going back. It will be good though for me to have some time before the babies are born to get things organized, try to rest, and just enjoy being a mother of two for a few more weeks.
Ok, now I'm going to complain. I feel huge and uncomfortable! I can't believe I have 8 weeks to go. My hip has been killing me and my pelvis feels like it's broken. It's getting hard to walk. After I walk up the stairs I have to sit down because I'm so out of breath. I certainly don't get ANYTHING done around here as fast as I used to. I did have an appointment with the cardiologist and my heart is doing great! I'm just tired and out of breath from carrying around two babies I guess. Ok, complaining over. I really have been lucky during this pregnancy to not have any problems so far. I just hope it stays that way and these babies stay put until my scheduled c-section on July 18.
1 comment:
I understand your feeling about having discomfort during pregnancy. It’s really hard move freely. Good thing you had bought a minivan before your delivery. It would surely help you from going from one place to another when you are fully recovered from your delivery. It is easy to drive and has a huge space for your baby’s stuff.
Leisa Dreps
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