Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
30 weeks
Last week we bought a minivan. Not real exciting to buy a minivan, but there is no way we could go without one. We do really like it. It is a Ford Freestar. I'll have to take a picture of it one of these days and post it. It feels good to have that checked off our list of things to do before the babies get here.
Dan and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary last week. Dan's parents took the kids over night on Saturday night. We were going to go to Leo's downtown for dinner, but I've had a bad cold and still could not smell or taste very well. I didn't want to spend that much on dinner if I couldn't fully taste it. We went to El Burrito instead. Then we went to see Water For Elephants. Sunday morning we slept in (if you call 8:00am sleeping in, it is for us) got some Panara bagels and just relaxed, then did some shopping later in the day. It was a nice relaxing 24 hour with no kids!
Monday was my last day of work. It was hard to leave in some ways. I'm really going to miss all the friends I've made there. It's going to be really weird not going back. It will be good though for me to have some time before the babies are born to get things organized, try to rest, and just enjoy being a mother of two for a few more weeks.
Ok, now I'm going to complain. I feel huge and uncomfortable! I can't believe I have 8 weeks to go. My hip has been killing me and my pelvis feels like it's broken. It's getting hard to walk. After I walk up the stairs I have to sit down because I'm so out of breath. I certainly don't get ANYTHING done around here as fast as I used to. I did have an appointment with the cardiologist and my heart is doing great! I'm just tired and out of breath from carrying around two babies I guess. Ok, complaining over. I really have been lucky during this pregnancy to not have any problems so far. I just hope it stays that way and these babies stay put until my scheduled c-section on July 18.

Last week we bought a minivan. Not real exciting to buy a minivan, but there is no way we could go without one. We do really like it. It is a Ford Freestar. I'll have to take a picture of it one of these days and post it. It feels good to have that checked off our list of things to do before the babies get here.
Dan and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary last week. Dan's parents took the kids over night on Saturday night. We were going to go to Leo's downtown for dinner, but I've had a bad cold and still could not smell or taste very well. I didn't want to spend that much on dinner if I couldn't fully taste it. We went to El Burrito instead. Then we went to see Water For Elephants. Sunday morning we slept in (if you call 8:00am sleeping in, it is for us) got some Panara bagels and just relaxed, then did some shopping later in the day. It was a nice relaxing 24 hour with no kids!
Monday was my last day of work. It was hard to leave in some ways. I'm really going to miss all the friends I've made there. It's going to be really weird not going back. It will be good though for me to have some time before the babies are born to get things organized, try to rest, and just enjoy being a mother of two for a few more weeks.
Ok, now I'm going to complain. I feel huge and uncomfortable! I can't believe I have 8 weeks to go. My hip has been killing me and my pelvis feels like it's broken. It's getting hard to walk. After I walk up the stairs I have to sit down because I'm so out of breath. I certainly don't get ANYTHING done around here as fast as I used to. I did have an appointment with the cardiologist and my heart is doing great! I'm just tired and out of breath from carrying around two babies I guess. Ok, complaining over. I really have been lucky during this pregnancy to not have any problems so far. I just hope it stays that way and these babies stay put until my scheduled c-section on July 18.
My sister in law, Beth, threw me a baby shower a couple weeks ago. It was so much fun! She did such a nice job putting it all together. We got a lot of our big items, like the car seats, double stroller, highchair etc. I feel a lot more prepared for these babies now that we have that stuff! We also got a lot of adorable baby clothes! It was so nice to have everyone together to celebrate the arrival of these babies!
Playing a game where you had to match up the baby socks as fast as you could.
Friday, May 13, 2011
28 Weeks.
I've started to feel their hiccups now. Their movements are so strong now that sometimes it takes my breath away! I can watch their arm or foot going across my belly. They've got to be getting pretty squished in there now. They seem to be especially busy in there while I'm trying to sleep, which is something I'm not getting very much of anymore. I have my baby shower tomorrow! Looking forward to it!

We had another growth scan last week at 27 weeks. They also did an echocardiogram on both of the babies. Thankfully both of their hearts look normal. Baby girl was estimated to weigh 2 lbs 3 oz and baby boy 2 lbs 2 oz. They are both 45 percentile which my doctor said is really good. You don't want them both to be around 90th percentile or you would be carrying around 2 10lb babies at the end, and anything less then 10th percentile they start to worry about the babies. So right in the middle is perfect.
My cervix is still looking good so they are not checking that every two weeks anymore. They are actually letting me go 4 weeks in between appointments this time. I go back at 31 weeks for another growth scan and then at 32 weeks I start going for Non-stress tests. I saw my OB this week and got my c-section scheduled for 38 weeks, which is July 18 (assuming I make it that long). Here are some pictures from the ultrasound.
Confirmed the genders again.

Baby boy in 4D. We didn't get any good 4D pictures of baby girl. She had her face smushed against the uterine wall, had the membrane over her face, her arm in front of her face and her brother's butt and legs were in her face. No good pictures with all of that going on! :)
Baby boy again
Baby girl
Audrey also had her 3 year old check up recently. She grew 4 inches in the past year! She is now 39 1/2 inches (92nd percentile) and weighs 32 lbs 2 oz (70th percentile).
My cervix is still looking good so they are not checking that every two weeks anymore. They are actually letting me go 4 weeks in between appointments this time. I go back at 31 weeks for another growth scan and then at 32 weeks I start going for Non-stress tests. I saw my OB this week and got my c-section scheduled for 38 weeks, which is July 18 (assuming I make it that long). Here are some pictures from the ultrasound.

Audrey also had her 3 year old check up recently. She grew 4 inches in the past year! She is now 39 1/2 inches (92nd percentile) and weighs 32 lbs 2 oz (70th percentile).
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
We had a great time for Easter this year. We started the celebrations a week early. On Palm Sunday we went over to my Dad's for a wonderful brunch and then the kids got to do a fun Easter Egg hunt.
Audrey searching for eggs.

Heading upstairs to find more eggs.

Checking out their loot.

We dyed Easter Eggs at our house the day before Easter. The Easter bunny came and brought the kids all kinds of goodies. On Easter Sunday we went to church and then we went over to my mom's. She made a very yummy brunch. Audrey took a nap over at my mom's and then we headed over to Dan's parents for Easter dinner. It was very good! The kids also got to do another Easter Egg hunt at their house.
Checking out what the Easter Bunny brought him. A football!
Audrey got a jump rope (among other things) that she was very excited about. She has been wanting a jump rope for a while.

All dressed up after church. (Owen got a butterfly pin at church.)

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