Sunday, June 01, 2008

We went to the zoo over Memorial day weekend. Here are some pictures from the trip.

Owen watching the otters

Dan made a new best friend!

Owen did not want to sit with John Ball this time.

Audrey has slept through the night 3 times in the last two weeks! 8 hours straight! It's been really nice. Hopefully she keeps it up! She has really turned into the easiest baby! She is so happy and content most of the time, and naps really well and when she does wake up at night she always goes right back to sleep. In the early days I was a little worried, she was much more high maintenance than Owen was as a newborn. There were nights when she woke up almost every hour and did not want to go to sleep. I would rock her and walk around with her in our bedroom until she fell asleep only to have her wake up as soon as I put her down. And there were days when she only wanted to be held all day. But that really only lasted a few weeks. Things are much easier now. We were really blessed with two great kids!

1 comment:

Faith said...

I'm so glad things have gotten easier. I can't believe I still have not seen you. Be ready for a 10 minute hug on Monday. I have really missed you!!!