They're here!
On Friday July 1, I started to have contractions that were 5 minutes apart. I called the on-call DR. and he said to go in if they get worse. Saturday they continued at 5 minutes apart most of the day, then got to 4-5 minutes apart. When they started to come 3 minutes apart we headed to the hospital. It was around 5:00pm when we got there. They monitored me for a while and then started an IV to give me fluids to see if they helped slow down the contractions. That wasn't working so they gave me a drug called Procardia to try to stop the contractions. I had two doses of that and they continued to be around three minutes apart. They gave me another drug that was supposed to relax me, that just made me feel drunk. I also started dilating a little bit.
Around 9:00 the on-call Dr came into my room and said that we were just going to do the c-section now since I was in early labor and they couldn't stop the contractions. She said they babies were far enough along now that they would be ok. I was 35 weeks and 5 days. By 10:00 we were in the OR. It all went so fast! Alyssa Grace was born at 10:18pm. She weighed 5 lbs 7 oz and was 17.7 inches long. She had some labored breathing and was sent to the NICU. She was only there for about a day (33 hours) before they released her. She improved much quicker than they thought she would. It seems that she just had some fluid left in her lungs. C-section babies can have this problem since the fluid does not get squeezed out on their way out of the birth canal.
Emmett Daniel was born at 10:19 pm. He weighed 6lbs 4 oz and was 18 inches long. He had no issues and got to come to our room with us right away. They are absolutely perfect and we are so in love with them already! Owen and Audrey are thrilled to have their baby brother and sister here! More updates to come soon!

Alyssa left, Emmett right

