Owen: 2 Boys
Dan: 2 Boys
Audrey: 2 Girls or a girl and a boy (depending on when you asked her)
Me: I knew there was at least 1 boy, so I guessed either 2 Boys or 1 girl, 1 boy
Baby A is a girl and baby B is a boy!!! We couldn't be happier. We didn't really care as long as they were healthy but Dan and I both thought the ideal situation would be a boy and a girl! Now we'll have two of each! And, I don't have to worry about getting them mixed up while in a lack of sleep stupor, which I'm sure is in my future after they arrive.
They were both moving around so much during the ultrasound! They both have their placentas in the front. Baby girl's heartrate was 150 bpm and she is head down. Baby boy's heartrate was 130 bpm and he is breech. Baby boy's head was measuring a little larger than baby girls head. They both were weighing in at 10 oz. I could tell the genders of both of them before the ultrasound tech even told us. It was a really long appointment. It was hard to lay on my back for that long. I think we were there a little over 2 hours.
I went to the doctor on Monday just to get checked out since I can't get rid of this cough I've had since getting the flu. He prescribed a z-pack which I don't think is really helping, so it's probably just a virus and I have to wait it out. He measured my belly while I was there. I was 20 weeks on Monday and my belly was measuring 26 weeks. We knew that would happen, it's normal with twins but whoa! I'm going to get huge by the end... I go to my Ob on Wednesday next week and see the maternal fetal medicine specialist on Thursday for a cervical length ultrasound.
Here are the ultrasound pictures:

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