I had two doctors appointments this week. Iwent to the OB yesterday and MFM today. I had to have a cervical length ultrasound today. Everything looks good there. They also quickly looked at the babies for heartrates and fluid checks. Both looked fine. I go back in two weeks for another growth scan for the babies.
Owen has been a sick little boy. He was very sick with a fever last Monday night so I kept him home from school on Tuesday. He seemed much better, fever was gone, so he went back to school on Wednesday. That night he complained of his ear and his throat hurting, so we went to the doctor on Thursday. He had an ear infection and strep throat. He's been on antibiotics for a week now. Yesterday he started to cough a lot. He didn't want his lunch today and wanted to go lay in bed. He slept for an hour and a half and woke with a fever of almost 102. I called the doctor and the nurse said it just sounds like he's coming down with a new virus. Poor kid.
I will not be getting antibiotics for the kids at Meijer anymore. They give antibiotics for free there but both times I've gotten them there they have been short by a few doses.
Here are a couple pictures from 21 weeks and 1 day.