Thursday, March 24, 2011

21 Weeks

I had two doctors appointments this week. Iwent to the OB yesterday and MFM today. I had to have a cervical length ultrasound today. Everything looks good there. They also quickly looked at the babies for heartrates and fluid checks. Both looked fine. I go back in two weeks for another growth scan for the babies.

Owen has been a sick little boy. He was very sick with a fever last Monday night so I kept him home from school on Tuesday. He seemed much better, fever was gone, so he went back to school on Wednesday. That night he complained of his ear and his throat hurting, so we went to the doctor on Thursday. He had an ear infection and strep throat. He's been on antibiotics for a week now. Yesterday he started to cough a lot. He didn't want his lunch today and wanted to go lay in bed. He slept for an hour and a half and woke with a fever of almost 102. I called the doctor and the nurse said it just sounds like he's coming down with a new virus. Poor kid.

I will not be getting antibiotics for the kids at Meijer anymore. They give antibiotics for free there but both times I've gotten them there they have been short by a few doses.

Here are a couple pictures from 21 weeks and 1 day.

Audrey turned three March 13. I can't believe that she's three already. We had three birthday celebrations for her, all weekend long. She was very lucky, and so excited about her parties. We also bought Owen a new twin sized bed so that Audrey could move into her big girl bed. Owen and Audrey are now in the same room. They were both really excited about it which surprised me since Owen wasn't really liking the idea of moving into Audrey's room when we talked about it. They've been doing really well with it. Audrey has only woken up a couple times during the night.

At Grandma Cindy's and Grandpa Steve's

Audrey loves her new camera.
Milanowski's came over to out house to celebrate.
Audrey has been wanting a yellow pillow pet for a long time. Yellow is her favorite color.

Over at my mom's house.
She needed a little help with the candles.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The ultrasound went really well. Both babies looked very healthy. Our predicitons before the ultrasound:
Owen: 2 Boys
Dan: 2 Boys
Audrey: 2 Girls or a girl and a boy (depending on when you asked her)
Me: I knew there was at least 1 boy, so I guessed either 2 Boys or 1 girl, 1 boy

Baby A is a girl and baby B is a boy!!! We couldn't be happier. We didn't really care as long as they were healthy but Dan and I both thought the ideal situation would be a boy and a girl! Now we'll have two of each! And, I don't have to worry about getting them mixed up while in a lack of sleep stupor, which I'm sure is in my future after they arrive.

They were both moving around so much during the ultrasound! They both have their placentas in the front. Baby girl's heartrate was 150 bpm and she is head down. Baby boy's heartrate was 130 bpm and he is breech. Baby boy's head was measuring a little larger than baby girls head. They both were weighing in at 10 oz. I could tell the genders of both of them before the ultrasound tech even told us. It was a really long appointment. It was hard to lay on my back for that long. I think we were there a little over 2 hours.

I went to the doctor on Monday just to get checked out since I can't get rid of this cough I've had since getting the flu. He prescribed a z-pack which I don't think is really helping, so it's probably just a virus and I have to wait it out. He measured my belly while I was there. I was 20 weeks on Monday and my belly was measuring 26 weeks. We knew that would happen, it's normal with twins but whoa! I'm going to get huge by the end... I go to my Ob on Wednesday next week and see the maternal fetal medicine specialist on Thursday for a cervical length ultrasound.

Here are the ultrasound pictures:

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

WoW! I can't believe I'm over 19 weeks already. I started to feel kicking a little after 17 weeks. I had been feeling some flutters for a while before that but not any real kicking until 17 weeks. That is about the same as it was with Audrey. I thought it would be sooner with twins. Feeling the kicking is my favorite part about being pregnant!

I came down with the flu on Saturday. I threw up in the morning, then got a massive headache that I could not get rid of. I had the chills, body aches and a cough (which I'm still miserable with). On Sunday night I woke up shivering and could not stop for about a half hour. I finally fell asleep and then woke up drenched in sweat. I stayed home from work on Monday. I'm going to try to go in tomorrow but I'm sure I'll be hacking up a lung all day. I'm sure everyone will appreciate that!

We go to the doctor on Thursday and we are hoping to find out the genders of the babies. I can't wait!

Audrey's birthday is coming up so fast. She's going to be three already on Sunday. We still need to get her transitioned into her big girl bed. That is going to be part of her birthday present. She is very excited about getting a big girl bed. She is actually getting the bed that Owen is sleeping in right now. It is a little bit shorter than a twin size bed but not as small as a toddler bed. We need to go shopping to get Owen a twin bed so Audrey can move into her bed.