Alyssa had her appointment for her ultrasound to check on her ovarian cyst on Monday of this week. The doctor said it had shrunk quite a bit. It went from 5 cm to 2 cm in diameter. He said at this point no follow up is needed. He thinks it will keep shrinking and they wouldn't even operate on it at this point unless it was causing her problems. Once it starts shrinking it won't all of a sudden start getting bigger so we don't even need to have any other ultrasounds. I was so happy to hear this news!
Owen was hesitant to hold the babies when they were first born but now he wants to hold them all the time!
Saturday, August 06, 2011
The 3rd week
The babies had their 2 week check up this week at 2 weeks and a couple days old. The Dr. said they were doing great! They got back up past their birth weights so she said we didn't have to wake them at night or during the day anymore to feed them. Alyssa weighed 5 lbs 15 oz, 10th percentile (the Dr. did not adjust for being born early). She was 19 inches, 8th percentile. Emmett weighed 6 lbs 5 oz, 20th percentile and was 20 3/4 inches, 55th percentile.

3 weeks old
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The First Week
The first week was a little challenging. The babies didn't latch for breastfeeding when they were first born. Being early, they were very sleepy all the time. I had to pump every 2-3 hours, attempt breastfeeding and then we gave them a bottle. That was pretty much all we had time for during the first week. At 5 days old Emmett all of a sudden figured out how to latch on and he's been doing well ever since. The next day, at 6 days old, Alyssa figured it out and hasn't had a bottle since. I'm so glad I kept trying with them because I was afraid I had ruined our chances with all the bottles we were giving them. Our pediatrician, who I love, really encouraged me by telling me not to worry about it, that they would latch on once they got closer to term. It sure makes things a lot easier to just be able to nurse them!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
More pictures from the hospital
Owen and Audrey meeting Emmett for the first time.
Audrey was so excited!
Grandma Ellen visiting
Grandma Helen
Grandpa Steve and Grandma Cindy
Visiting Alyssa in the NICU, the fist time I got to hold her.

Emmett's first bath

Together again after Alyssa was brought to our room after her stay in the NICU.

Alyssa's first bath

Audrey getting to hold Alyssa for the first time.
Grandma Helen, Grandpa Jim and Alyssa

Time to go home!!!!

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