Audrey is a walkin fool now. She walks about 80% of the time now. She's also learning lots of new words. Some words that she says are: Daddy (her favorite word), Mommy, doggy, hello, hi, Elmo, cracker, ball, car. She also knows some animal sounds. If you ask her what a particular animal says she almost always says "woof!" but she also knows a duck says quack and a cow says moo. Her hair is getting really curly now, it's so adorable. I will post some pictures of her curls soon.
I have not had any coffee the past two days. It's so hard! Coffee is my friend. I decided to try giving it up. My heart has been beating weird again the past couple months. Weird is about the only way I can explain it. It just doesn't feel right. Don't worry I did call my doctor about it. They had me wear a 24 hour holter monitor, and of course my heart only beat weird once while I was wearing it. So far in the past two days it has been much better so maybe it does have something to do with the caffeine, but man am I tired!
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