Audrey turned 9 months old last week Saturday. She's now officially been on the outside longer than she was on the inside. This month she FINALLY started sleeping much better. Her naps are a lot longer and she almost always sleeps through the night now. It's about time! She's pulling herself up on anything she can get her hands on right now, but also bumping her head on things in the process. She's a pretty rough and tough girl so most of the time when she bumbs her head it doesn't even phase her. She loves to dance whenever there is music playing, and almost anything makes her smile. It's seriously so easy to make her smile. She's such a little sweetheart and she loves cuddling which is going to make it so hard to not be able to hold her much the first couple weeks after my surgery. She has started saying mama. I don't know if she knows what it means though but when she gets upset she says "mamamamama". We also discovered that she LOVES Curious George. Her cousin Zach has a big stuffed Curious George and Audrey loved it! She kept giving it big hugs. Santa might be bringing her one for Christmas.
She went to the doctor for her 9 month check up yesterday. She's getting so big! She is 19 lbs 11 oz (70th percentile) and she is 29 inches (93rd percentile). She had to get the other half of her flu shot. She didn't even notice when the nurse gave it to her. Didn't even flinch. I was really surprised. The nurse was awesome though and did it really fast.
Wow Mandy. She is so cute. I can't wait to see you all this summer. Please tell Dan "Happy Birthday" from Jeff and I. We miss you and love you. Em
I showed my mom the pictures I took of Audrey and Nolan and she kept saying what a beautiful baby Audrey is. Of course, I agree! Just wanted to pass that along!
She is getting Sooooo big!!!
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