Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wow! I haven't updated this in awhile. I've been feeling a little sick and tired lately, so sorry for the lack of posts. The reason I've been sick and tired is that we are expecting a new little one in March. Owen is going to be a big brother! I'm a little more than 13 weeks along now and starting to feel a little better. Mornings are still rough and I'm still getting sick here and there.

I have lots a pictures of Owen to post. I will post some belly pictures too soon.

Here are some pictures from when we took Owen to the Children's museum a while back:

Driving the car

Making eggrolls

His favorite part, the construction zone.

Hnaging out at home the other day:

And here are some from when Grandma and Grandpa were babysitting this weekend while we went to my cousin's beautiful wedding (of course I forgot to bring my camera to the wedding). Congrats Jen and Kevin!

1 comment:

Faith said...

Adorable. I'm so excited for you guys about the new baby. Congrats!!! Your belly has been looking too cute:):)